About Us

 After the Big Bang the Universe began to form. Atoms started attaching to each other and became the galaxy we call home. 

Fast forward a few hundreds of billion years to the year 2018. Two avid knitter Sarina and Caitlin, mother and daughter came up with a brilliant plan to further their knitting obsession.

"What if we started a yarn dying business?" to which Caitlin replied "Does an Astronaut poop in space?"

Yes! There was obviously, no other answer. The next step for two space and sci fi loving knitters, was to create yarn that fulfilled their most nerdy desires.

Inspired by the Universe and all the expanding, changing life forms within its reach. Sarina and Caitlin hand dye yarn in small batches. Producing skein after skein of unique yarn.

As time went on more yarn started appearing out of the deep space of their imaginations, using bold speckles and vibrant colors.

What's beyond the Universe? We don't know, but we hope you'll join us on our adventure to find what's over the moon.